Call for Papers 2021


Respectable Authors, Dear Readers!

The Editorial Board of Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica is pleased to announce the call for texts for volume XX of our journal. The volume for 2021, in accordance with established practice, will be divided into 2 issues.

The thematic inspiration for one of them will be the round 100th anniversary of the adoption of the Polish March Constitution. The end of World War I resulted with the complete change of political map of Europe. The newly established states passed new constitutions and the “old” states had to remodel their political systems. A common feature of the regime changes was their demoliberal character, also common was the subsequent widespread collapse of demoliberal constitutionalism. In view with the above, we announce the leitmotif of one of the issues of volume XX as follows:

The rise and fall of demoliberal constitutions after World War I. 100 years’ anniversary of Polish March Constitution

The texts may refer to the ideological background, circumstances of passing new laws, legal norms of the constitutions, the practice of applying new norms, and finally their demise. We believe that proposed texts will enable to create wide picture of constitutionalism in the 1st half of 20th century.

The second issue is planned as a Varia one, i.e. a multi-topic issue, with no restrictions as to the subject matter or time span of the texts.

We invite you to send your texts by September 30, 2021. Papers with the above-mentioned main theme will be given priority for publication in the event of a disproportionate number of texts being submitted.

Authors are requested to read the technical requirements contained in the "For Authors" tab.