Information For Authors
Instructions for Authors
The journal "Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica" (MHI) is prepared by historians of law from the Faculty of Law of the University of Białystok. The published texts concern the history of law and modern law with a clear historical context. The periodical is published as an electronic biannual at:
Editorial policy and general information
Submission of texts
The proposed text should be sent to the Editorial Board via the Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform on the journal's website, which is possible after registration (available at: and logging in to the personal user account. Any questions or difficulties in submitting the text can be reported to the Editorial Board by e-mail to the following address: The manuscript must be accompanied by a written statement of corresponding Author that no similar paper has been or will be submitted for publication elsewhere as well as all Authors listed on a manuscript have agreed to its submission. Upon acceptance of the manuscript, the Author(s) will be asked to transfer the copyright to the publisher (i.e. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku).
Review Process
All submitted manuscripts (i.e. studies, archive documents, book reviews – articles) will be subject to review by two independent experts from the outside unit for the scientific evaluation. If the text is written in foreign language, at least one of the reviewers should be affiliated in the foreign institution other than the nationality of the Author(s). The “double-blind review process” is introduced as a rule. However, in some cases the editors may not introduce this procedure and the they may ask the reviewer to sign a statement of no conflict of interest existing between the reviewer and the Author. The review must contain clear declaration that the reviewed text should be published or withdrawn. When a decision is reached, a decision will be sent to the Authors, including the comments of the referees (not showing his name). The editors will take the measures to protect the MHI from “ghostwriting” and “guest authorship” cases. All these kind of cases will be exposed, by informing relevant scientific units about such cases. A list of reviewers will be published in each volume.
Review criteria
The criteria of reviewing an article submitted for publishing in “Miscellanea Historico- Iuridica” include:
1. The initial characteristics of the article – if it has theoretical, legal comparative, historical and legal dimension.
2. The assessment of whether title correspond with the content of the article.
3. The assessment of whether the purpose and the concept of work been clearly and correctly defined.
4. The assessment of whether the purpose and the concept of work been clearly and correctly defined the purpose of the article been achieved.
5. The scientific value of the article.
6. The correctness of the method of research.
7. The necessity of using the statistical method.
8. The value of bibliography used.
9. The correctness of final conclusions.
10. The style and linguistic value of the text.
Every review should have a clear recommendation for publishing the text or include other conclusions.
Materials copied from other sources must be accompanied by a written statement from both the Author and publisher giving permission to Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku for reproduction. It is the Author’s responsibility to ensure that such permissions are obtained.
Preparation of texts
Articles should be written in Polish or English, German, French, Italian, Spanish or Russian. The editors may also accept the text in other language than listed above.
The title page should include:
1. Name (names), surname and affiliation of the Author(s).
2. Contact details of the Author(s) – address, e-mail.
3. ORCID number of the Author(s) - Open Researcher and Contributor ID - alphanumeric code to uniquely identify scientific and other academic authors and contributors; registration available at
4. Full title of the article in the language of the submitted text.
5. Abstract in the language of the submitted text (at least 200 words).
6. Full title of the article in English.
7. Abstract in English.
8. Key words in the language of the submitted text (from 3 to 6).
9. Key words in English.
On the end of the article the Author should attach:
1. A list of references (full bibliography) in alphabetical order including all of the sources used throughout the text: publications, original sources, case law, internet sites, etc.
2. Summary of the article in the language of the submitted text.
3. Summary of the article in English.
1. The abstract should be the announcement of the article with 200 to 400 words and it should be at the beginning of the article. It should contain a synthetic description of the research objective and an introduction to the subject of the text, a description of the sources and methods used. It should encourage the reader to read the article.
2. The summary should be at the end of the article and should be a synthesis of the entire text, its abbreviation. It should contain elements that are absent or only outlined in the abstract, in particular the obtained research results and the final conclusion. It should be between 200 and 500 words. It should summarize and organize the knowledge gained while reading the article.
Guidelines for Authors
General information
1. The length of the text should not exceed 25 pages formatted according to the rules given below. The main text should be typed in 12-point Times New Roman, with full justification, 1.5 line spacing. Bolding is allowed in headlines, italics while using citations, terms, phrases and sentences in Latin. Quotation marks are requested for citations. The Editorial Board of Miscellanea does not verify citations and their translations used in submitted papers. The Board reserves the right to remove stylistic mistakes and to standardize the text according to accepted rules, without consulting the Author.
2. When necessary, consistent enumeration should be used: 1), 2), 3) etc., or a), b), c) etc. No other types (such as • or <) should be used.
3. Consistent enumeration of all pages should be included at the bottom of each page.
4. The following Latin abbreviations should be used:
eadem, idem – the same (the former refers to a lady, the latter to a man)
ibidem – the same place
op. cit. – in the work cited
passim – here and there, everywhere.
Citation guide
1. Footnotes (in 10-point Times New Roman, with full justification, 1,0 line spacing with footnote symbols in the upper index) should be consistently enumerated.
2. In the main text the footnote symbol should be inserted after the word (no space) and before a coma or period ending the sentence. For example: "In the next part of his presentation, tradition of teaching Roman law in Vilnius was recalled1, accompanied by the note of Spanish humanist Petrus Roysius2 (Pedro Ruiz de Moroz 1505–1571), known as Roizjusz3".
3. A footnote should be formatted as a sentence, starting with a capital letter and ending with period.
4. Publication used for the first time should be cited as follows: initial of the author’s name followed by period, last name of the author, title of the work in italics, place and year of publication, pages. For example: J. Sondel, Latin-Polish dictionary for Lawyers, Krakow 1997, pp. 174-178; Later edition should be indicated as follows: J. Sondel, Latin-Polish dictionary for Lawyers, ed. 2, Krakow 2001, p. 266.
5. First citation of a paper published in a scientific periodical/journal should include: the initial of the author’s name followed by period, last name of the author, title of the work in italics, title of the periodical/journal in quotation marks and, if it is to be cited again, its abbreviation in parenthesis, publication year, volume (issue), cited pages. For example: I. Koschembahr-Łyskowski, On the history of property law, “Journal of Law and Administration” (hereinafter: JoLA) 1902, vol. 6, pp. 385-410. A further publication from the same periodical should be cited with abbreviation. For example: I. Koschembahr- -Łyskowski, Two new reviews of the Roman law, JoLA 1908, vol. 5, pp. 329-353.
6. Only one other work of the same author referred to again should be cited as follows: initial of the author’s name followed by period, last name of the author, op. cit., pages (or footnote number). For example: J. Sondel, op. cit., p. 185.
7. If several works of the same author are used, a clear abbreviation should be selected to identify each work followed by ellipsis, coma and page number. For example: F. Bossowski, Roman law issues, “Judicial Gazette of Warsaw” 1923, nr 30, pp. 257-260; F. Bossowski, Property law problems, Krakow 1925, p. 38 – should be further cited (in the same footnote) as: F. Bossowski, Roman law..., p. 258; idem, Property law..., p. 45.
8. If two references to the same work are made next to each other in the text, the “Ibidem” term should be used in footnotes. For example: R. Taubenschlag, Die materna potestas im gräko-ägyptischen Recht, „Zeitschrift der Savigny Stiftung fur Rechtsgeschichte. Romanistiche Abteilung” 1929, nr 49, pp. 115-128; followed by: Ibidem, p. 120.
9. Article from a group publication should be cited as follows: initial of the author’s name followed by period, last name of the author, title of the article in italics, [in:], title of the group publication in italics, initial of the name of the editor/s followed by period, last name of the editor/s, volume, place and year of publication pages. For example: F. Bossowski, Justynia’s novels, [in:] Anniversary book for the First Lithuanian Statute, ed. S. Ehrenkreutz, Vilnius 1935, pp. 107-121; G. Bałtruszajtys, History of the Roman Law Department at the Warsaw University, [in:] Au-delà des frontières. Mélanges de droit romain offerts à Witold Wołodkiewicz, édités par M. Zablocka et J. Krzynówek, J. Urbanik, Z. Służewska, vol. 1, Varsovie 2000, pp. 35-36.
10. Encyclopedia entry reference should include the following: initial of the author’s name followed by period, last name of the author, title of the entry in italics, [in:] title of the publication in italics, initial of the name of the editor/s followed by period, last name of the editor/s, volume, place and date of publication, pages. For example: R. Taubenschlag, Münzverbrechen, [in:] Real-Encyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft, eds. A. Pauly, G. Wissowa, vol. XVI (1), Stuttgart 1933, pp. 455-457.
11. Article from a newspaper should be cited as follows: initial of the author’s name followed by period, last name of the author, title of the article in italics, title of the newspaper in quotation marks, day date of the publication, page. For example: Ł. Zalewski, Lack of consensus on custody, “Legal Paper”, 4 November 2013, p. B3.
12. Review should be cited as follows: abbreviation rev., initial of the author’s name followed by period, last name of the author, title of the periodical in quotation marks, year of publication, volume (issue), cited pages, [from:] initial of the name of the reviewed author, last name of that author, title of work, place and date of publication. For example: See rev. A. Berger, “Kritische Vierteljahresschrift für Gesetzgebung und Rechtswissenschaft” 1925, nr 21, pp. 191-195, [from:] U. Willamowitz-Moellendorff, Staat und Gesellschaft der Griechen und Römer bis zum Ausgang des Mittelalters, Leipzig – Berlin 1923.
13. Judgments of the courts and tribunals should be cited as follows: title of the case, name of the organ issuing the judgment, date of the judgment, reference symbols, and, if the judgment was published – indication of the place of publication and pages. For example: Judgment o the Supreme Court of Poland of 13 January 1965, CR 464/64, OSNCP 1965, nr 10, pos. 171.
14. Polish legal acts reference: Ustawa z dnia 23 kwietnia 1964 r. – Kodeks cywilny (Dz.U. nr 16, poz. 93 z późn. zm.); Ustawa z dnia 7 lipca 1994 r. – Prawo budowlane (t.j. Dz.U. 2010 nr 243, poz. 1623 z późn. zm.).
15. Website reference: [access: 25.09.2013].