Call for Papers 2020


Respectable Authors, Dear Readers!

The editors of Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica are proud to announce the call for texts for volume XIX of our periodical. The volume for 2020 will traditionally be divided into 2 issues and their leading themes will be concentrated on the two round jubilees celebrated this year.

The first is the 50th anniversary of the treaty between the Polish People's Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany on the basics of normalizing relations between these two countries. The document was signed on December 7, 1970 in Warsaw by the Prime Minister Józef Cyrankiewicz and the Chancellor Willy Brandt. Its significance was a breakthrough in the history of Polish-German neighbourhood, as it confirmed the border on the Oder and Nysa Łużycka, which was so far questioned by West Germany. It also became the basis for the border treaty of November 14, 1990 concluded by Poland, which has been just liberated from communism, and the united Germany. The round anniversaries of signing of both these documents constitute an open invitation to a wider analysis of the legal aspects of the Polish-German relations.

The second jubilee is the 30th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on November 20, 1989. The Convention entered into force on September 2, 1990 and is a document adopted in all countries of the world except the United States. It has become an important source of the rights of the youngest members of the society and a valuable contribution to the development of internal regulations in many countries. The 30th anniversary of its validity prompts reflection on the history of the development of children's rights, as well as comparative work on their state in given places and periods.

Considering the above jubilees, we have established the following leading themes for volume XIX:

  1. Legal aspects in the history of the Polish-German neighborhood.
  2. Children's rights after the 30th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

We invite you to send your texts by July 30 this year. The leading themes do not prejudge the rejection of works on other subjects, but they determine the priority of publication.

Authors are requested to read the technical requirements contained in the "For Authors" tab.