The Emperor Hadrian’s edict on the oil


  • Piotr Niczyporuk University of Bialystok (Uniwersytet w Białymstoku)
  • Piotr Kołodko University of Bialystok (Uniwersytet w Białymstoku)
  • Konrad Tomasz Tadajczyk University of Łódź (Uniwersytet Łódzki)


emperor, Hadrian, edict, Athens, oil


Emperor Hadrian was known for his sympathy for Greek culture. As a result of this he passed a statute regulating the sale of fish in Attica. However, the Emperor paid particular attention to Athens and decided to pass an imperial constitution (edictum) regulating the oil trade. The document has been preserved on the western gate of the Roman forum, but in a few places it contains gaps in the text that unleash its full analysis. The preserved regulation allows to show the sense of Emperor Hadrian’s market policy. The main issue was to regulate the sale of oil and its supplies to Athens, with simultaneous indication of crimes and penalties as well as the procedure before the administration of justice in the event of violation of the provisions of the edictum Hadriani de re olearia.

Author Biographies

  • Piotr Niczyporuk, University of Bialystok (Uniwersytet w Białymstoku)
  • Piotr Kołodko, University of Bialystok (Uniwersytet w Białymstoku)
  • Konrad Tomasz Tadajczyk, University of Łódź (Uniwersytet Łódzki)


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How to Cite

The Emperor Hadrian’s edict on the oil. (2019). Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica, 17(2), 249-261.

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