Types of Punishment Used in the Swedish Army Based on the Charles XI's Military Articles of 1683
Charles XI Wittelsbach, Swedish army, Military Articles 1683 (Sweden), military law, punishmentsAbstract
The article presents the types of punishment used in the Swedish army at the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries on the basis of the Military Articles of Charles XI Wittelsbach (1660–1697) established on 2 March 1683 in Stockholm, which consisted of 145 rules divided into 25 chapters as well as: five instructions and as many royal edicts and six prayers. It outlines the reasons for the new military codification, which stemmed from the crisis in the Swedish military after the end of the Second Northern War (1655–1660), then characterises its constituent parts and notes its strong connection to the religious sphere (Protestantism). The punishments mentioned in the analysed source were described. These were punishments on the body: capital punishment (hanging, decimation, beheading with a sword, execution, burning at the stake), flogging (including running through the rods), arrest, imprisonment, shackles, starvation, mutilation, carrying a burden; punishments on honour: loss of the public rights of honour, public penance, apology, exile outside the camp, suspension, demotion, expulsion from service; or financial penalties: fine, loss of pay or confiscation of property. For each, it is indicated for which offences it was applied, with an explanation of why different punishments were awarded for the same offence. In contrast, the conclusion notes that Charles XI’s Military Articles were very strict, which translated into high discipline of Swedish troops during the fighting of the Great Northern War (1700–1721). They also provided inspiration for other military codifications, including the Russian Military Code of Peter the Great in 1716.
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