Editorial ethics

The editorial ethics of Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica is based on the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors developed by the Committee on Publications Ethics (COPE).


The editorial policy

The Editorial Board is fully responsible for the content of all articles and other texts published in the Journal. The Editorial Board guarantees the substantive and objective evaluation of all submitted texts solely on the basis of their substantive content. Gender, nationality, sexual orientation, faith, institutional affiliation of the Author and other non-substantive factors do not affect the evaluation of the article. The final decision on whether to accept the article for publication or reject it is made by the Editorial Board. This decision is based on the originality and clarity of the article, the validity of the research and its relevance to the Journal's profile. The Editorial Board and any member of the editorial staff may not disclose any information about the submitted article to anyone other than the Author of the article, reviewers or other editorial advisors. The editors undertake to publish corrections, explanations and apologies and to withdraw the article if its Author has committed any unethical acts. The Editorial Board does not charge the Authors or pay them any fees for publication. 


Obligations of the Authors

All texts sent to Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica should be original and independent works of the Authors. In order to eliminate the possibility of plagiarism, they are checked using the anti-plagiarism program. The Author is obliged to inform the Editorial Board about all entities that have participated in the creation of the work and about the sources of its financing. If the Author detects any errors, he is obliged to immediately report them to the Editorial Board. The Author should respond to reviewers' comments and may appeal against editorial decisions. In a situation where he does not agree with the comments contained in the review, he should provide the Editorial Board with important comments and explanations of his opinions.


Plagiarism – rules of conduct

The editors of Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica do not accept any symptoms of plagiarism. The Author is obliged to indicate all data and publications which he used to create the work. Any suspicion of plagiarism is subject to examination by the Editorial Board, and after it is found appropriate procedures are implemented. In the event of confirmation of evident plagiarism, the Editorial Board reserves that it also notifies the Author's superiors about it.


Author of the text

Co-authorship of the article should be limited only to people who contributed significantly to its creation. In the case of co-authorship, the corresponding Author submits a declaration to the Editorial Board indicating exactly the type and scope of contribution of individual Authors to the development of the article, its assumptions, research methods, and interpretation of the research results. The editors of Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica do not accept any symptoms of such phenomena as guest authorship and courtesy authorship (it is recommended to transfer the name to the thanks section) or ghost authorship (in case of detection, it is recommended to add the Author to the list of the authors). Each researcher mentioned as the author of the work must have real and undeniable contribution to its creation. Requests to change the list of authors are allowed, while the Editors reserve the right to thoroughly investigate each case of this type.


No duplication of publication

The Editorial Board of Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica rejects texts that have already been published in other magazines or books, or which have already been submitted to another editorial board for publication. The editors reserve the right to examine such status of the article at every stage of the publishing process, and in the event of irregularities, they will commence their activities in accordance with COPE's recommendations.


Data falsification

The reliability of scientific research results is one of the basic values that the Editorial Board of Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica esteems, promotes and protects. All symptoms of unreliability, and even more explicit falsification and fabrication of research results or sources used will be strongly condemned and will result in informing the Author's employer about them.


Reviewing papers

Each reviewer performs his work anonymously, and his reviews should be objective and in accordance with the principles of scientific reliability. The reviewed text should remain secret and its content should not be used by the reviewer until its publication. Criticism referring directly to the author is inappropriate, author and reviewer should not be in relationships that could affect the shape of the review.


Conflict of interest

An identified or reported conflict of interest results in the suspension of editorial work on a given text until the matter is clarified by the Editorial Board of Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica.

The conflict of interest should be reported to the Editorial Board by the Author, who believes that in his opinion, the roles performed by him may influence or may be considered by third parties as influencing his objectivity when conducting research or presenting its results. A conflict of interest may take place in the case of the Author's connection with an unit (institution, enterprise or public office) that is directly interested in or benefits from adopting a specific interpretation of the law. It aplies to the connection consisting of:

work in a given unit, also on the basis of a specific task contract or a mandate contract, paid representation as a proxy or acting on its behalf or as an expert for the unit (during the work on the text or in the last 3 years), in particular when the text submitted for printing is a repetition or a modified version of a pleading or an opinion prepared for a given unit,

the Author's participation in the issuance of a judgment or decision of a court or other authority, which are then analyzed in the submitted scientific publication,

using the funds of a given unit to conduct research both being the subject of a published article, as well as other past (conducted within the last 3 years) or currently conducted research, including coverage of publication costs.


Conflict of interest publishing procedure:

1. When submitting texts to the journal, the Author informs the Editorial Board that he believes that in his case there may be a conflict of interest in the sense described above.

2. The occurrence of a conflict of interest does not mean that the prepared text cannot or should not be published, provided, however, that the indicated connection with units do not affect the reliability and correctness of the scientific evidence and the quality of the research presented in the scientific publication.

3. The reviewer should be informed about the fact of reporting a conflict of interest (without revealing its nature). Thanks to this, in the review, he will be able to assess whether despite the reported conflict the text has been prepared scientifically and contains objective analyzes and research results.

4. The Editors reserve the right to ask the Author to provide a declaration regarding the lack of a conflict of interest.

5. Failure to disclose information about a conflict of interest is a violation of the principles of ethics and good scientific practice.