Prawo, historia a pamięć zbiorowa. Przyczynek do związków między historią a socjologią prawa


  • Adam Czarnota

Ключевые слова:

collective memories, history, transitional justice, sociology of law.


The text deals with the relations between law, history and collective memories. The author tries to establish a link between traditional approach to the history of law and legal sociology trough bringing in as a bridge the concept of collective memories. The paper shows the potential for expansion of legal history and also legal sociology by inclusion of new research area on relations between law and collective memories.




Как цитировать

Prawo, historia a pamięć zbiorowa. Przyczynek do związków między historią a socjologią prawa. (2013). Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica, 12, 203-216.

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