Leonard Piętak – wspomnienie w setną rocznicę śmierci


  • Krzysztof Szczygielski

Ключевые слова:

Leonard Piętak, Roman law, commercial and exchange law, University of Lvov


Leonard Piętak (1841–1909) was a Polish professor of law. He worked at the University of Lvov. He was interested in both Roman law and actual legislation problems of Austrian commercial and exchange law. Piętak is an author of many valuable papers, particularly Prawo spadkowe rzymskie (Roman law of succession, vol. 1–2, 1882–1888). He was twice elected Rector of University of Lvov – in academic years 1881/1882 and 1888/1889. He was elected Dean of the Law Faculty as well – three times (in academic years 1878/1879, 1883/1884 and 1890/1891). Professor Piętak was a member of many international and domestic scientific societies. Besides of his research, Piętak was also engaged strongly in politics, holding an office of minister for Galicia to an imperial government in Vienna from 1900 to 1906.




Как цитировать

Leonard Piętak – wspomnienie w setną rocznicę śmierci . (2009). Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica, 8, 59-72. https://miscellanea.uwb.edu.pl/article/view/332

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