A Few Remarks about Quaestor Ostiensis


  • Piotr Kołodko University of Bialystok (Uniwersytet w Białymstoku)


quaestor, quaestor Ostiensis, ancient Rome, Roman law


In the history of the Roman Republic, the office of quaestor appears to be the most mysterious, and at the same time the least understood, as is evident from the scattered source materials, especially literary accounts. This does not means, however, that quaestorship was unimportant in political life. One should bear in mind that it was the first step in an official’s career in ancient Rome. Thus, it opened the door to the office of praetor or consul, the most coveted and prestigious magistracies, but of course there are known exceptions to this rule. Although the origins of quaestorship date back to the fifth century BC, the history of quaestor Ostiensis, an enigmatic official not mentioned in historical records, which contained only pieces of information, primarily in literary accounts, took a very different shape. He did not appear on the pages of Roman history until the 3rd century BC. The basic facts about quaestor Ostiensis were provided by Cicero, so the analysis of this information is the primary task. The information contained in historical sources is completed by literary accounts by Velleius Paterculus and Lydus, as well as inscriptions. Their common feature is that they are remarkably laconic, which makes it very difficult to present precisely the scope of the powers of quaestor Ostiensis and to show their possible modification in connection with the changing situation in ancient Rome. Within the framework of the considerations presented herein, it will be necessary to grasp the historical moment when quaestor Ostiensis gave way to a new magistracy, praefectus annonae

Author Biography

  • Piotr Kołodko, University of Bialystok (Uniwersytet w Białymstoku)

    ORCID: 0000-0002-3267-4128

    dr Piotr Kołodko – Polish Science (Nauka Polska): database of the National Information Processing Institute (Ośrodek Przetwarzania Informacji – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy)

    dr Piotr Kołodko – University of Bialystok (Uniwersytet w Białymstoku) – Faculty of Law (Wydział Prawa) – Department of Historical and Legal Sciences, Theory and Philosophy of Law, and Comparative Law (Katedra Nauk Historyczno-Prawnych, Teorii i Filozofii Prawa oraz Komparatystyki Prawniczej) – Institute of Roman Law and Latin Legal Culture (Zakład Prawa Rzymskiego i Łacińskiej Kultury Prawnej)


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How to Cite

A Few Remarks about Quaestor Ostiensis. (2024). Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica, 23(1), 10-25. https://miscellanea.uwb.edu.pl/article/view/870

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