Space and architecture as an expression of political philosophy. The case of socialist countries


  • Piotr Eckhardt Jagiellonian University (Uniwersytet Jagielloński)


real socialism, Marxism, socialist realism, socialist architecture, socialist ideal city, systematization in Romania


According to historical materialism, one of the foundations of Marxist philosophy is that the living conditions of society affect its ideological beliefs. Therefore, the governments of the socialist countries sought to build a new socialist society using architecture and urban planning as a medium. Symbols of the former regimes were demolished. New districts with working class housing and ideal cities embodying new socialist ideology were built. Many such investments were carried out in all countries behind the Iron Curtain, but the greatest example of the use of architecture in introducing socialist ideology is that of Nicolae Ceausescu’s Romania.


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How to Cite

Space and architecture as an expression of political philosophy. The case of socialist countries. (2017). Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica, 15(2), 11-20.

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