Legal status of sportsman’s in Poland in the era of late socialism and in the first years after the transformation of the political system (1984-1996)


  • Radosław Niwiński University of Bialystok (Uniwersytet w Białymstoku)


physical culture, sport, sportsman, socialism, political transformation, sports law


The main objective of this article is to present an overall insight into the legal status of sportsmen in Poland, from 1984 to 1996, i.e., in the period when the sports system was thoroughly transformed. The study uses historical and formal-dogmatic methods. In addition, the author interviewed a long-time curator of Legia Warsaw Museum and a sports fan, perfectly familiarised with reality of sport in Poland at that time, which enriches theoretical and legal considerations with a practical value. The research strives to draw attention to the importance of political aspects in the sports sector within the era of late socialism and in the first years after the transformation of political system in Poland. Additionally, it also aims to discuss their ramifications for legal protection of players. The author highlights the implications of interventionist regulatory model in sport which was adopted by the authorities of People’s Republic of Poland by virtue of the Physical Culture Act of 3 June 1984. The article also presents the main tasks and importance of the state in process of creating the sports reality, in particular the position of Polish athletes. The article includes theoretical and practical issues related to amateur sport under the socialism in Poland. The research is intended to compare the regulatory framework concerning sportsmen stated in the Physical Culture Act of 3 June 1984 with the provisions of the Physical Culture Act of 18 January 1996. The author undertakes an evaluation of specific legal institutions from the point of view of the competition between Polish sport on the world stage and dynamic development of professional sport.

Author Biography

  • Radosław Niwiński , University of Bialystok (Uniwersytet w Białymstoku)


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How to Cite

Legal status of sportsman’s in Poland in the era of late socialism and in the first years after the transformation of the political system (1984-1996) . (2021). Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica, 19(2), 447-469.

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