Rights of Individuals Joined in a Civil Union in View of the Law of Criminal Procedure
same-sex couples, criminal procedure, the right to access the files of a case, the right to refuse to testify, the right to be excused from testifying, the right of succession after a deceased party of the proceedings, the right to appointed counsel, the right to apply for remand of a suspected person, the right to be notified of a preventive detention, the right to deposit bail, the right to take part in a trialAbstract
The article is an analysis of the rights which can be exercised in Polish criminal procedure by same-sex couples joined in a civil union. The key idea of the deliberation is an assertion that in criminal procedure – on account of the so called criminal procedure relation – the rights of people joined in same-sex unions are protected well enough, therefore alterations to the presented regulations are unnecessary. The authors make an argument, starting with demonstrating the legal definition of a closest person, next describing the following laws: the right to access the files of a case, the right to refuse to testify, the right to be excused from testifying, the right of succession after a deceased party of the proceedings, the right to appointed counsel, the right to apply for remand of a suspected person, the right to be notified of a preventive detention and to deposit bail, and to take part in a trial.
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