
Dear Sir or Madam,

we are very pleased to welcome you to of our website. With the arrival of the new decade, we decided to update our image and improve our contact with readers and authors. The effect of these changes, apart from the new page, is the new logo of the magazine, transparent instructions for authors, the principles of our publishing ethics, as well as the profiles of our periodical in social media: Facebook, X (previously Twitter) and Instagram. In addition, in the building of the Faculty of Law of the University of Bialystok, You can collect bilingual leaflets encouraging the publication of the results of Your research in our magazine.

We invite You to regularly follow the following page, where all news will be posted, including information about any changes, calls for papers and, of course, the latest volumes of our bi-annual publication.

See you soon!

  • Volume XXIII has been published


    We are pleased to announce that both issues (No. 1 and No. 2) of Volume XXIII of our journal are now fully available on our website!

    Due to the high level of interest in publishing on our pages, the entire first issue has the character of a Varia collection, which includes texts on a variety of topics. You will find there articles on a wide range of subjects, from the law of ancient Rome to contemporary regulations on the protection of historical monuments. Authors from scientific centres all over Poland and abroad have submitted their works.

    In the second issue the chief place is occupied by articles prepared on the basis of speeches delivered at the National Scientific Conference entitled “Codifications of the 20th Century. The 60th Anniversary of the Civil Code”, which was held on May 24-25, 2024 at the Faculty of Law of the University of Bialystok.

    It also contains other post-conference texts, which are the aftermath of the 11th International Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference entitled “The Place of Lithuania and Poland in Regional and Euroatlantic Integration (Disintegration) Processes - Progress, Challenges, Prospects,” held on May 23-25, 2023 in Vilnius, Lithuania. Читать дальше про «Volume XXIII has been published»
  • Ewaluacja w Index Copernicus za rok 2023


    Miło nam poinformować, że po najnowszej ewaluacji działalności naszego czasopisma za rok 2023 w międzynarodowej bazie indeksacyjnej czasopism naukowych ICI Journals Master List otrzymaliśmy wskaźnik ICV (Index Copernicus Value) o wartości 94.22 pkt (na maksymalne 100 pkt). Wskaźnik ICV odzwierciedla poziom rozwoju czasopisma oraz siły jego oddziaływania na świat nauki.

    W stosunku do zeszłorocznej oceny niniejszy wynik oznacza wzrost naszego wskaźnika o prawie 2 pkt. Dziękujemy wszystkim autorom, recenzentom i innym współpracownikom, gdyż jest to nasz wspólny owoc pracy.

    Читать дальше про «Ewaluacja w Index Copernicus za rok 2023»
  • Volume XXII has been published


    We are pleased to announce that both issues (No. 1 and No. 2) of Volume XXII of our journal are now fully available on our website!

    The year 2022 marked the 100th anniversary of the Supreme Administrative Tribunal, a single-instance judicial authority in the field of administrative justice during the Second Polish Republic (1918-1939). On this occasion, we decided to devote one of the issues to the broadly understood topic of administrative judiciary. However, the number of texts submitted, as well as the numerous proposals for sending further works, prompted the Editorial Board to extend the deadline for the acceptance of articles and to devote both issues of the next volume to the main theme.

    Traditionally, both issues also include a Varia section, where texts on various topics (unrelated to the main theme) are published.

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  • New member of the Scientific Council


    We are pleased to announce that Prof. Martin Löhnig from the University of Regensburg (Universität Regensburg) has joined the Scientific Council of our journal.

    From 2019 to 2021, Prof. Löhnig held the position of Dean of the Faculty of Law at the Regensburg University and currently heads the Chair of Private Law, History of German and European Law and Canon Law within the Faculty. Since 2022, he has been the scientific director of the Institute for East European Law (Institut für Ostrecht).

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  • Evaluation in Index Copernicus for 2022


    We are pleased to announce that after the latest evaluation of our journal's activity for 2022, in the international indexing database of scientific journals ICI Journals Master List, we received the ICV (Index Copernicus Value) index of 96.91 points (out of maximum 100 points). The ICV reflects the level of development of a journal and the strength of its impact on the scientific world.

    The current rating confirms the high quality of our journal and the good direction taken by the Editorial Board. We would like to thank all the authors, reviewers and other contributors, as this is our collective fruit of labour.

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  • Evaluation in Index Copernicus for 2021


    We are pleased to announce that after the latest evaluation of our journal's activity for 2021, in the international indexing database of scientific journals ICI Journals Master List, we received the ICV (Index Copernicus Value) index of 96.91 points (out of maximum 100 points). The ICV reflects the level of development of a journal and the strength of its impact on the scientific world.

    Our current rating is a definite upgrade from the last year's evaluation, when we received 83.52 points. We would like to thank all the authors, reviewers and other contributors, as this is our collective fruit of labour.

    Читать дальше про «Evaluation in Index Copernicus for 2021»
  • Call for Papers 2022 (No. 1)


    Respectable Authors, Dear Readers!

    The Editorial Board of Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica is proud to announce the call for texts for no. 1 of volume XXI (for the year 2022) of our journal.

    In 2021, 140 years have passed since the first Polish attempt to edit sejmik (land assembly) files. In 1881, Franciszek Kluczycki published the laudum of the Sandomierz voivodeship of 1672. From that moment, a long process of publishing sejmik acts began, during which periods of publishing revival alternated with times of stagnation. In the 21st century, thanks to the National Program for the Development of Humanities, we are dealing with an incomparable intensification of the work in history. A dozen or so multi-person research groups have been established or are being formed all over Poland, which deal with the editing of sejmik materials of the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland and Grand Duchy of Lithuania voivodeships. Spectacular editorial achievements begin to translate into opportunities for in-depth historical and legal research. Therefore, the leitmotif of one of the issues for 2022 we announce:

    Editions of source sejmik files (past - present - future)

    The Editorial Board of Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica invites You to submit scientific articles, source publications and reviews. The planned issue for 2022 is to concern the land sejmik (land assemblies) problems. The theme of the volume will be:

    1. Source editions of sejmik acts:
      a) editorial issues related to monumental editions presenting the achievements of noble self-government in the early modern era,
      b) reviews of volumes of sejmik files,
      c) source editions of selected documents related directly or indirectly to sejmik lauds.
    2. The state of research on land sejmiks - we are interested in both a synthetic approach and detailed analytical works.

    We invite You to send Your texts by 30 June 2022. We kindly ask the authors to read the technical requirements in the "For authors" tab on the journal's website.

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  • MHI in the latest ministerial list of scientific journals

    We are pleased to announce that in the latest list of scientific journals and peer-reviewed materials from international conferences, which is maintained by the Ministry of Education and Science, our periodical received 100 points!

    We sincerely thank all the authors, reviewers and other collaborators who have contributed significantly to the development of our journal, enabling the above success.

    The list is available here. Читать дальше про «MHI in the latest ministerial list of scientific journals»
  • Evaluation in Index Copernicus

    We are pleased to announce that after the latest evaluation of our journal's activity for the last three years, in the international indexing database of scientific journals ICI Journals Master List, we received the ICV (Index Copernicus Value ) index of 83.52 points (out of maximum 100 points). The ICV reflects the level of development of a journal and the strength of its impact on the scientific world.

    Our current rating is a definite upgrade from the previous evaluation in 2017, when we received 60.53 points. We would like to thank all the authors, reviewers and other contributors, as this is our collective fruit of labour. Читать дальше про «Evaluation in Index Copernicus»
  • MHI in the ERIH PLUS database

    We are pleased to announce that our journal has successfully passed the NSD (Norwegian Center for Research Data) verification and has been included in the ERIH PLUS list (European Reference Index for the Humanities), an international index containing bibliographic information on academic journals in the humanities and social sciences. 

    Only journals that meet certain criteria are entered into the ERIH PLUS database, including having an editorial board, a scientific council, having an established review procedure or a specific degree of internationalization. Читать дальше про «MHI in the ERIH PLUS database »
  • Call for Papers 2021


    Respectable Authors, Dear Readers!

    The Editorial Board of Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica is pleased to announce the call for texts for volume XX of our journal. The volume for 2021, in accordance with established practice, will be divided into 2 issues.

    The thematic inspiration for one of them will be the round 100th anniversary of the adoption of the Polish March Constitution. The end of World War I resulted with the complete change of political map of Europe. The newly established states passed new constitutions and the “old” states had to remodel their political systems. A common feature of the regime changes was their demoliberal character, also common was the subsequent widespread collapse of demoliberal constitutionalism. In view with the above, we announce the leitmotif of one of the issues of volume XX as follows:

    The rise and fall of demoliberal constitutions after World War I. 100 years’ anniversary of Polish March Constitution

    The texts may refer to the ideological background, circumstances of passing new laws, legal norms of the constitutions, the practice of applying new norms, and finally their demise. We believe that proposed texts will enable to create wide picture of constitutionalism in the 1st half of 20th century.

    The second issue is planned as a Varia one, i.e. a multi-topic issue, with no restrictions as to the subject matter or time span of the texts.

    We invite you to send your texts by September 30, 2021. Papers with the above-mentioned main theme will be given priority for publication in the event of a disproportionate number of texts being submitted.

    Authors are requested to read the technical requirements contained in the "For Authors" tab.

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  • Call for Papers 2020


    Respectable Authors, Dear Readers!

    The editors of Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica are proud to announce the call for texts for volume XIX of our periodical. The volume for 2020 will traditionally be divided into 2 issues and their leading themes will be concentrated on the two round jubilees celebrated this year.

    The first is the 50th anniversary of the treaty between the Polish People's Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany on the basics of normalizing relations between these two countries. The document was signed on December 7, 1970 in Warsaw by the Prime Minister Józef Cyrankiewicz and the Chancellor Willy Brandt. Its significance was a breakthrough in the history of Polish-German neighbourhood, as it confirmed the border on the Oder and Nysa Łużycka, which was so far questioned by West Germany. It also became the basis for the border treaty of November 14, 1990 concluded by Poland, which has been just liberated from communism, and the united Germany. The round anniversaries of signing of both these documents constitute an open invitation to a wider analysis of the legal aspects of the Polish-German relations.

    The second jubilee is the 30th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on November 20, 1989. The Convention entered into force on September 2, 1990 and is a document adopted in all countries of the world except the United States. It has become an important source of the rights of the youngest members of the society and a valuable contribution to the development of internal regulations in many countries. The 30th anniversary of its validity prompts reflection on the history of the development of children's rights, as well as comparative work on their state in given places and periods.

    Considering the above jubilees, we have established the following leading themes for volume XIX:

    1. Legal aspects in the history of the Polish-German neighborhood.
    2. Children's rights after the 30th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

    We invite you to send your texts by July 30 this year. The leading themes do not prejudge the rejection of works on other subjects, but they determine the priority of publication.

    Authors are requested to read the technical requirements contained in the "For Authors" tab.

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