Peregrinatio academica: legistas y canonistas de la Corona de Aragón en las universidades italianas durante el Renacimiento


  • Rafael Ramis-Barceló

Ключевые слова:

Peregrinatio academica, Law, Italy, Crown of Aragon, Renaissance


This article tries to explain the peregrinatio academica of the students of Civil and Ca- non Law of the Crown of Aragon to the Universities of Italy during the 15th and the 16th centuries. Some details concerning the success of some universities like Bologna, Padova or Pavia, in general, or Pisa or Ferrara, in particular, are explained. The cultural and political relationship among the Kingdoms of Aragon, Mallorca, Valencia and the Principate of Catelonia and the different states of Italy helps to understand the intro- duction of the culture of mos italicus in the universities and the courts of the Crown of Aragon during their modernity.



Как цитировать

Peregrinatio academica: legistas y canonistas de la Corona de Aragón en las universidades italianas durante el Renacimiento. (2014). Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica, 13(1), 35-66.

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