Civil status of child as confirmation of belonging to the family


  • Elżbieta Makarewicz University of Bialystok (Uniwersytet w Białymstoku)
  • Agnieszka Iłendo-Milewska Bogdan Jański Academy in Warsaw (Szkoła Wyższa im. Bogdana Jańskiego w Warszawie)


civil status, child, family, the need to belong


The article contains theoretical considerations in the field of law and psychological sciences concerning the civil status of the child who is shown as a member of a social group – family. The legal situation of the child is described on the basis of legal regulations and conventions being in force in Poland. The article concerns the concept of the family, parenting, motherhood and fatherhood, in the context of dynamically evolving relationships and social situations, which are not always described by law. These concepts are shown in the context of the guarantee function of the state expressed in the catalogue of rules of social coexistence aimed at the determination of the boundaries between the sphere of dominion and individual freedom. The main scientific problem presented in this article, which is “what is the correlation between the compliance of the civil status and the belonging to the family?”, was presented in the light of the knowledge of the law and psychological theories referring to numerous studies. The article describes J. Bowlby’s attachment theory (1988) and the styles of attachment by M. Ainsworth (1978). It is assumed that the knowledge of the factors or elements which determine the need to belong to the family still seems to be an important issue and raises the question whether the child’s status is one of them. This article contains theoretical considerations and implications beginning the research project and constituting the introduction to scientific discussion. If the welfare of the child requires to pursue the compliance of marital status confirmed by a civil status act with the real belonging to the family, then it is very important for the family to satisfy the need for affiliation of the child and provide the quality of its functioning. It is assumed that the type of interaction between the child and parents can be reflected by the type of attachment.


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How to Cite

Civil status of child as confirmation of belonging to the family. (2017). Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica, 15(1), 317-337.

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