On the Selected Rules of Polish Civil Proceedings in the 20th Century

Remarks Concerning Monography: Elementy prywatne i publiczne w procesie cywilnym w świetle prac kodyfikacyjnych w Polsce (1918-1964). Studium historycznoprawne [Private and public elements in civil trial in the light of codification works in Poland (1918-1964). A historical and legal study], Wyd. UŚ, Katowice 2015, 429 pages


  • Piotr Fiedorczyk University of Bialystok (Uniwersytet w Białymstoku)


civil proceedings, codification, public and private interest, Poland


The book written by Anna Stawarska-Rippel is dedicated to one of the most important problems concerning the evolution of Polish civil proceedings in the 20th century. She describes the basic rules of Polish civil proceedings, showing their evolution in comparative perspective. Austrian, Swiss, German, French regulations are shown to illustrate the motives of the Polish legislator before World War II. Soviet regulations were introduced into Polish law after the war. Not all of them should have been abolished after the fall of communism in 1989. The book written by A. Stawarska-Rippel is a valuable contribution into the research on the history of Polish civil proceedings. It is also important for those who work on recodification of Polish civil proceedings now.


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How to Cite

On the Selected Rules of Polish Civil Proceedings in the 20th Century: Remarks Concerning Monography: Elementy prywatne i publiczne w procesie cywilnym w świetle prac kodyfikacyjnych w Polsce (1918-1964). Studium historycznoprawne [Private and public elements in civil trial in the light of codification works in Poland (1918-1964). A historical and legal study], Wyd. UŚ, Katowice 2015, 429 pages. (2017). Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica, 15(1), 399-407. https://miscellanea.uwb.edu.pl/article/view/137

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