Supplement to the Chronology of the Estate’s Assemblies of the Duchy of Głogów (1257–1786)


  • Marian Józef Ptak University of Wrocław (Uniwersytet Wrocławski)


Silesia, Duchy of Głogów, estates, estate’s assemblies


The text is a supplement to the chronological presentation of the Estate’s Assemblies of the Duchy of Głogów, prepared in 1991 by the author in his monographic book on this topic. One can prove that the first traces of the Assembly, composed from the chivalry, can be found in the middle of the 13th century. The well developed system of the estate’s assemblies in the Duchy of Głogów was liquidated after the annexion of Silesia by Prussia in 1742. The king of Prussia decided to retain only one of its elements, the so called Weichbildtag, composed of circles (Kreis) of noblemen with only limited competences. The lack of archive documents from this period results in the supplement providing only one reference to Weichbildtag in Głogów in 1786.


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How to Cite

Supplement to the Chronology of the Estate’s Assemblies of the Duchy of Głogów (1257–1786). (2016). Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica, 14(2), 245-257.

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