The Assembly Government System in the Constitution of Turkey of 1921


  • Grzegorz Kryszeń University of Bialystok (Uniwersytet w Białymstoku)


democracy, unity of power, concentration of power, constitution, Turkish Constitition od 1921, Turkish Constitution of 1924, assembly government system, principle of sovereignty of the nation


The aim of the article is to analyze the provisions of the Constitution of Turkey of 1921 with respect to the specific system of governance adopted in it. The analysis leads to the conclusion that the document, making the constitutional system of Turkey based on the principle of the sovereignty of the nation and the principle of unity of power concentrated in the hands of the parliament, provided for the system of governance of the assembly in its model, the “pure” and “classic” form, known from J.J. Rousseau’s concept and the story of the French Revolution. The article also shows the historical, doctrinal and theoretical determinants of the decision to implement such a system of power.

Author Biography

  • Grzegorz Kryszeń, University of Bialystok (Uniwersytet w Białymstoku)


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How to Cite

The Assembly Government System in the Constitution of Turkey of 1921. (2020). Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica, 18(1), 71-90.

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