The Hans Frank’s Supervision Over the Judiciary in the General Government in the Years 1939–1945


  • Andrzej Wrzyszcz Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin (Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie)


governor Hans Frank, administrative supervision, Second World War, General Government


Hans Frank did not have typical entitlement to administrative supervision over the justice system, but the competences discussed in the articles made it possible for him to influence personally the justice system and its functioning. The most important seem to be legislative prerogatives. Due to them the General Governor directly influenced the rulings both in civil and most of all in criminal proceedings. The progressive repressive character of criminal law in the General Government during World War II was his responsibility. His competences seem to be of political system character: he issued regulations forming the structure of German courts, reorganizing the structure of Polish courts. His prerogative of mercy enabled him to revise court rulings. However the General Governor took successive decisions concerning the restriction of his personal competences in this area. On the other hand he undertook intervention in particular court cases, although he did not have formal foundations for it (here the model pattern could be Nazi Germany and Adolf Hitler’s personal interventions). His inconsistent behaviour in this sphere may be understood in the context of his features of character. Dieter Schenk’s opinion that the main feature of his character was megalomania, inconsistent behaviour, lack of self-discipline, overemphasising his own abilities, using pompous expressions, laziness, vanity and chaos in making decisions, can be shared.


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How to Cite

The Hans Frank’s Supervision Over the Judiciary in the General Government in the Years 1939–1945. (2016). Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica, 14(2), 375-387.

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