The Inscription in a romanist’s workshop – ‘case study’ bis


  • Jacek Wiewiorowski University of Gdańsk (Uniwersytet Gdański)


epigraphy, Roman law, Late Antiquity, Odessos, research methodology


The paper concerns the late Roman Greek Christian epitaph, founded in the Bulgarian town of Varna (ancient Odessos: SGLI nr 89), which commemorates Markellos, who died in April of the eleventh indiction and who was a dekarchos (leader of ten) in the late Roman army unit at fort Runis, under the command of count Dudus. The date of the inscription and the posts of both men and their possible origin are discussed in the article in detail as an example of the importance and limitations given by juridical epigraphy. The author deduces that the epitaph was engraved in the sixth century but not in its first decades. While Markellos was a Christian (probably not a poor one) non-commissioned officer of the late Roman field army detachment, located in the little known military fortification known as “Runis” (contrary to opinions presentedin previous studies, it was not the ancient town of Krounoi-Dionysypolis). Dudus was its commander (possibly a tribune) and his origin remains unknown despite theories concerning the origin of his name. In his conclusions, the author raises the need of using the methods of modern epigraphy in Roman law studies and addresses the collaboration between scholars focusing on Roman law with epigraphers and historians in general.

Author Biography


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How to Cite

The Inscription in a romanist’s workshop – ‘case study’ bis. (2019). Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica, 17(2), 153-174.

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