Navy Court in Gdynia – Profiles of Selected Judges Who Committed Court Crimes


  • Helena Kowalska University of Gdańsk (Uniwersytet Gdański)


Navy judiciary, judges, the Navy Court in Gdynia, Stalinist military judiciary


The article titled “Navy Court in Gdynia – profiles of selected judges who committed court crimes” is about a history of this court and changes that were being made in the court’s characteristic and the reasons behind these adjustments. Next, the article presents the role of the Navy Court in repressions across the Eastern and West Pomerania. The study also shows the important issue of case law, especially of political trials and death sentences passed. The article discusses a problem of cooperation between the Navy Court, secret political police, the Navy Prosecutor’s Office and the Navy Bar. The range of these institutions’ activities is presented in the study as well as the mechanisms of putting pressure on the Navy Court by secret political police and the Navy’s information office. The article shows the meaning of the Navy Prosecutor’s Office in preliminary proceedings and presents the profiles of some of the most important prosecutors who worked in the Navy Prosecutor’s Office. The main part of the article is devoted to the profiles of judges and associated judges who worked in the Navy Court during the years 1945–1955. Profiles of people that were in charge of the Court have been described in detail. The article shows their influence on ruling and the way they controlled the Navy Court. Furthermore, the study presents the education of twenty judges and associated judges, their ruling activity and further professional life. The career of judges who played the most important role in creating the case law of the Navy Court is presented in a more detailed way. Moreover, an issue of appraising the judges’ activity during their work in the Navy Court is also mentioned in the article.

Author Biography


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How to Cite

Navy Court in Gdynia – Profiles of Selected Judges Who Committed Court Crimes. (2022). Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica, 21(2), 287-315.

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