The Nature of the Evidence Procedure Regulated in Article 106 § 3 p.p.s.a.
administrative court proceedings, evidence procedure, administrative court judgmentAbstract
The aim of the paper was to determine the current nature of the evidentiary proceedings conducted by the administrative court on the basis of Article 106 § 3 p.p.s.a. When interpreting this provision, we should bear in mind the peculiar expansion of the notion of "control", which is used by the Constitution of the Republic of Poland in Article 184. This observation refers to equipping the administrative courts with the competence to rule on the essence of an administrative case, as a part of the control of administrative decisions and orders, which took place in 2015. It should be noted, however, that at the same time there was no modification of Article 106 § 3 p.p.s.a.. In the literature, the vast majority of Authors do not connect equipping the administrative courts with the competence to rule on the essence of an administrative case with any modification of the interpretation of Article 106 § 3 p.p.s.a. Instead, the paper attempts to show that the control, which also includes the possibility to rule on the essence of the administrative case, has modified the nature of the evidence proceedings conducted by administrative courts on the basis of Article 106 § 3 p.p.s.a. The research material used in the implementation of the set objective was constituted, inter alia, by the latest literature on the analysed issue (as of 2016) and the latest case law of administrative courts in this respect. The considerations on the interpretation of Article 106 § 3 p.p.s.a. were attentively drawn on the basis of the authors' positions presented after 2015, in which the authors introduced the legislative changes related to equipping administrative courts with the competence to rule on the merits of an administrative case.
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