Evolution of the Legal Institution of the Membership Bond in a Credit Union
evolution, genesis, credit union, common bondAbstract
The aim of the article is to examine the evolution of the legal institution of the membership bond in credit unions in the Polish law. The research thesis of the article states that the requirement to connect members with a social (membership) bond existed in historical credit unions. The research thesis also states that in the evolution of the membership bond there was a territorial bond based on the place of residence of the credit union members. The article was prepared using the historical-legal, dogmatic-legal and comparative legal methods. The article presents the origins of credit unions in Poland. As part of the genesis of this type of cooperative, the requirement for the existence of a social bond between its members was identified, defining it as the conditions for membership and for receiving financial services from the credit union. For this purpose, the article presents the model of a savings and loan cooperative by Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen, the situation of savings and credit cooperatives in Poland after the entry into force of the decree of October 25, 1948 on the banking reform, the regulation of membership bond in a credit union under the Act on December 14, 1995 on credit unions and in the current legal status, in the light of the Act of November 5, 2009 on credit unions. The historical-legal and dogmatic-legal analysis is complemented by conclusions resulting from the use of the comparative legal method, which refers to the legislation of the United States of America, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Lithuania. The conclusions indicate that the territorial bond existed in various forms before the introduction of cooperative legislation and under historical cooperative law, and currently the requirement for this bond applies to membership of housing communities and organizational units of churches and religious associations of a territorial nature in a credit union.
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