The Principle of Free Education in Public Universities in the March Constitution and the Academic Schools Act of 1920 (with Particular Reference to the Perspective of the April Constitution and the 1997 Constitution of the Republic of Poland)
the principle of free education in public higher education institutions, the March Constitution, the Law on Academic Schools of 1920, right to education, the Law on State Scholarships and Other Forms of Assistance for Academic Youth of 1923, tuition feesAbstract
The purpose of this article is to present the issue of payment for higher education in the light of the March Constitution of 1921 and the Academic Schools Act of 1920. Although Article 119 of the aforementioned Basic Law indicated the gratuitousness of tuition in the state and local government schools, including colleges and universities, there was no corresponding provision in the Academic Schools Act. Moreover – Article 92 of the said law directly stipulated: “Registration fees must be paid by everyone”. On the basis of the Law on Academic Schools, there was – unlike modern regulations – no explicitly formulated right to exempt students from fees. It was only possible to defer the fee. Thus, there was a discrepancy between the constitutional norm and the provisions of the ordinary law.This raises the question of whether the constitutional principle of free education in public higher education institutions can be said to exist at all in the case of the Second Republic, since in academic practice students were obliged to pay tuition fees. The author makes use of research methods characteristic of legal sciences: the formal-dogmatic method (e.g., by analyzing the content of legal acts), the comparative method (e.g., by comparing the right to education in the light of the March Constitution, the April Constitution and the 1997 Constitution of the Republic of Poland), the broad historical method (e.g., by citing the findings of legal historians) and, to a lesser extent, the statistical method (if only by reaching for the statistical yearbooks of the Central Statistical Office from the interwar period).
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