O badaniach nad dziejami techniki legislacyjnej w Europie średniowiecza i w czasach nowożytnych


  • Stanisław Salmonowicz

Ключевые слова:

procedury tworzenia prawa stanowionego, historyczna metoda ba- dawcza, Anglia i Francja


The purpose of this article is to indicate the neglected section of the research about the forms and legal technique in different European countries during the Middle Ages and in modern times. The method of exercising legislative functions by the then State has rarely been the subject of detailed researches. The author discusses the current state of research and points to examples of situations from England (XIV-XVIII), as well as from France during the period before the French Revolution.




Как цитировать

O badaniach nad dziejami techniki legislacyjnej w Europie średniowiecza i w czasach nowożytnych. (2014). Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica, 13(1), 237-251. https://miscellanea.uwb.edu.pl/article/view/226

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