„Wejście w porozumienie w celu usiłowania zmiany ustroju państwa lub usunięcia organów władzy państwowej” na gruncie kodeksu karnego Wojska Polskiego z 1944 r.


  • Ewa Leniart

Ключевые слова:

District Military Court in Rzeszów, The Criminal Code of Polish Army of 1944


The subject of this article is an analysis of selected decisions of the District Military Court in Rzeszów, in which sentences were imposed for the crimes against the state, regulated by the Penal Code of the Polish Army (kodeks karny Wojska Polskiego, k.k.WP). The provision of article 88 § 1 k.k.WP in conjunction with art. 86 k.k.WP, which formed the basis for the convictions in the analyzed cases, concerned crimes against the state. The essence of this crime was to enter into an agreement, in order to attempt to change the political system or for the removal of organs of state power through violence. While construing art. 88 § 1 in conjunction with art. 86 § 2 k.k.WP the Military District Court in Rzeszów assumed that the constituent elements of this crime have been satisfied, for example, simply by the fact of meeting with members of the organization fighting for independence and becoming acquainted with the illegal activities of such organizations, or by reading their leaflets. Thus, for the fulfillment of art. 88 § 1 k.k.WP, the Court considered any action which could be attributed to efforts to change the political system, even if it was not proven during the trial that the defendant engaged inany organizational activity.







Как цитировать

„Wejście w porozumienie w celu usiłowania zmiany ustroju państwa lub usunięcia organów władzy państwowej” na gruncie kodeksu karnego Wojska Polskiego z 1944 r. (2011). Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica, 10, 245-257. https://miscellanea.uwb.edu.pl/article/view/304

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