The Distinct Ownership of Premises from the Napoleonic Code to the Present Time


  • Paweł Sławicki

Ключевые слова:

ownership of premises, Napoleon Code, private law.


The author raises the issue of distinct ownership of premises in a historical perspective. The author starts his analises of a specific kind of distinct ownership of premises on the grounds of the Napoleonic Code in relation to the floors of the building. Further analysis was applicable during the interwar period of the Polish state. The author analyses the legal act from 1934 on the ownership of dwellings. In the following section there is description of the provisions contained in the Civil Code, taking into account amendments to the act. This allows one to compare the quality of legal acts from 1918 to 1989. To show the fullness of this adjustment the last section shows current regulations con- tained in the Act on Ownership of Premises, which entered into force in 1995.



Как цитировать

The Distinct Ownership of Premises from the Napoleonic Code to the Present Time. (2013). Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica, 12, 103-114.

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