Legal Activities to Build the Image of Bialystok with the Esperanto Brand


  • Wiktoria Danilewicz-Prokorym University of Bialystok (Uniwersytet w Białymstoku)


promotion, Białystok, image, Esperanto, legal actions


The article presents the legal activities of the city of Bialystok related to building its image using the brand Esperanto over the past years. The text deals with the complicated side of building the image of the city which is legal actions using the asset of the city which the case of Bialystok is the brand Esperanto. These actions were taken both by the executive body of the municipality - the Mayor - and the legislative body - the City Council. The following activities were discussed: the activity of the Bialystok City Council, the activity connected with the celebration of the 100th anniversary of Ludwik Zamenhof's death, the organisation of the Esperanto Congress in 2009 and the significance of the so-called participatory budget for the discussed issue. In the analysis of the topic, only those activities undertaken in Bialystok and related to Ludwik Zamenhof, his successors and the Esperanto language were chosen, which are not only based on but have their source in legal acts and are of direct or indirect legal character. The article also briefly discusses the aspect of life history of Ludwik Krzysztof Zaleski Zamenhof in connection with granting him the Honorary Citizenship of the City of Bialystok. The article discusses the legal activities of the city of Bialystok connected with building its image with the use of the Esperanto brand in the perspective of the last years, touching upon an interesting matter which is the promotion of the Municipality on the basis of the only universal language in the world. The legal actions described in the article reflect the perspective of young Ludwik Zamenhoff, which led to the creation of Esperanto language. The text combines two matters,  the creation of a supranational language, with legal actions that are used to promote the small homeland of its creator.

Author Biography

  • Wiktoria Danilewicz-Prokorym, University of Bialystok (Uniwersytet w Białymstoku)


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How to Cite

Legal Activities to Build the Image of Bialystok with the Esperanto Brand. (2021). Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica, 20(1), 239-252.

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