
J. Widacki, A. Szuba-Boroń, Sprawy o szpiegostwo przed sądami wileńskimi w okresie II RP. Przyczynek do historii zmagań polskiego wywiadu i kontrwywiadu z wywiadem sowieckim i litewskim [Espionage Cases Before the Vilnius Courts During the Second Polish Republic. A Contribution to the History of the Struggle of Polish Intelligence and Counterintelligence with Soviet and Lithuanian Intelligence], Kraków 2020


  • Stanisław Hoc University of Opole (Uniwersytet Opolski)


espionage in criminal law Second Polish Republic, Lithuanian espionage, Soviet intelligence, Lithuanian intelligence, intelligence KOP (Border Protection Corps)


As so far, the research issues that J. Widacki and A. Szuba-Boroń became interested in have not been the subject of scientific interests. During the diplomatic mission in Vilnius, J. Widacki continued his scientific interests, reaching the files of espionage cases dated from the interwar period. On the other hand, A. Szuba-Boroń examined, inter alia, the files of espionage cases, dealing with the prose of Sergiusz Piasecki, the writer and former spy. The picture of a border, and in it the struggle of Soviet, Lithuanian and Polish intelligence services is undoubtedly an interesting background for research. The authors are aware of the research limitations, as they did not reach the cases tried in other Regional Courts, located in the territory of the then – Republic of Poland. They realistically estimate that finding and examining all of the criminal espionage cases pending before the courts of the Second Polish Republic seem to be impossible today. The undertaken research efforts are worth to be emphasized.

Author Biography


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Hoc S., Zbrodnie stanu w kodeksie karnym z 1932 r. (art. 93-98), [w:] Historia testis temporum, lux veritatis, vita memoriae, nuntia vetustatis: księga jubileuszowa dedykowana profesorowi Włodzimierzowi Kaczorowskiemu, red. E. Kozerska, M. Maciejewski, P. Stec, Opole 2015.

Szuba-Boroń A., Obraz przestępcy w prozie Sergiusza Piaseckiego na tle poglądów kryminologicznych epoki, Kraków 2018 (Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego, niepublikowana rozprawa doktorska, promotor: prof. dr hab. J. Widacki).

Widacki J., Wywiad litewski w latach trzydziestych XX wieku jako przeciwnik Wywiadu Korpusu Ochrony Pogranicza, „Wojskowy Przegląd Historyczny” 1995, R. XL, nr 304.




How to Cite

Review: J. Widacki, A. Szuba-Boroń, Sprawy o szpiegostwo przed sądami wileńskimi w okresie II RP. Przyczynek do historii zmagań polskiego wywiadu i kontrwywiadu z wywiadem sowieckim i litewskim [Espionage Cases Before the Vilnius Courts During the Second Polish Republic. A Contribution to the History of the Struggle of Polish Intelligence and Counterintelligence with Soviet and Lithuanian Intelligence], Kraków 2020. (2021). Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica, 20(1), 345-354.

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