A Policy of Heroes: The Security Imperative of Moving from a Soviet Pensioner’s Model of Veterans Affairs to a Citizen Soldier’s Model in Ukraine


  • James E. Baker Syracuse University


veterans, disabilities, benefits, national security, process, Ukraine


This article provides six reasons why veterans affairs is a national security imperative for Ukraine, and needs to be treated like one, which means with the urgency of any military or policy action that can directly impact the outcome of Russia’s war against Ukraine. Part two identifies the numerical challenges of providing for Ukraine’s veterans (and civilians) and identifies five policy options the Government of Ukraine should consider and purposefully adopt or reject as inapt or unfeasible in the Ukrainian context, including the adoption of guiding principles, and a veterans point system. Part three identifies seven cost neutral steps that can be taken to improve veterans’ services and outcomes, including the adoption of the “good” process, which will also mitigate the risk of corruption. The section also highlights the importance of a whole of society’s approach to veterans affairs. President Zelensky has called on the Government of Ukraine to start studying the experience of veterans in countries around the world. This article is a response drawing on American history and practice for inspiration and relevant lessons.

Author Biography


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How to Cite

A Policy of Heroes: The Security Imperative of Moving from a Soviet Pensioner’s Model of Veterans Affairs to a Citizen Soldier’s Model in Ukraine. (2024). Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica, 23(1), 701-727. https://miscellanea.uwb.edu.pl/article/view/898

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