Herbert L.A. Hart – between moderate positivism and normativism


  • Andrzej Sylwestrzak The Elbląg University of the Humanities and Economics (Elbląska Uczelnia Humanistyczno-Ekonomiczna w Elblągu)


juridical positivism, moderate positivism of Hart, Kelsen’s Grundnorm, compromise of positivism


The article is concerned with the methodological stand represented by H.L.A. Hart, a moderate positivist scholar searching for the links between positivist and normativist approaches. He indicates that the focus on obligations/civic duties does not entail exclusion of extra-legal factors. An extreme example in this respect is Kelsen’s theory of the “basic norm” as well as Austin and Jellinek’s references to customs and the law of God. The article brings the basic premises behind Heart’s theory as well as those of Austin, Jellinek and Kelsen’s normativism in order to expose incongruities in the research of the latter. The concluding part of the article reveals how Heart’s theory of “moderate positivism” emerged from his references to the methodological weaknesses of positivism and normativism.


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How to Cite

Herbert L.A. Hart – between moderate positivism and normativism. (2017). Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica, 15(2), 143-158. https://miscellanea.uwb.edu.pl/article/view/97

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