The Normalization of Vaccination Duty in the Historical, Philosophical, and Medical Sociology Perspectives of Georges Canguilhem and Michel Foucault
legal duty of vaccination, history of vaccination, normalization, Canguilhem, FoucaultAbstract
Based on historical and philosophical perspectives, as well as on the sociology of medicine, the article examines the relationships between the social and legal norms of vaccination and demonstrates how these norms were shaped. Employing the methodology of axiological legal research, the analysis focuses on social processes described, in particular, by Georges Canguilhem and Michel Foucault. The selected works of these philosophers were chosen for discussion due to their contributions to the development of ideas about normalization, health, and disease. Both G. Canguilhem and M. Foucault are the authors of comprehensive studies concerning the gradual and increasing incorporation of medical concepts into individual consciousness and social life, and their works form a semantic whole. The synergy between the social and medical worlds, as described by these philosophers, led to the normalization of sanitary and medical requirements established by the authority. Over time, the number of requirements related to an individual’s biological life increased, and the ubiquitous concern for public health contributed to compliance with these mandates. The article demonstrates how, against the backdrop of history and social processes related to normalization, the social norm of vaccination was shaped. Important concepts for the emerging social norm of vaccination duty, such as “normal”, “pathological” “disciplinary power”, “normalizing power” and “biopower” were analyzed. This allowed the presentation of social trends that led to the emergence of the social norm of vaccinations and, as a result, the legal norm of vaccination was strengthened.
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