Koncepcje przynależności Wileńszczyzny i kultura dyskusji na forum obrad Sejmu Wileńskiego od 4 lutego do 1 marca 1922 r.
Słowa kluczowe:
Wilno, Wileńszczyzna, endecja, Sejm Wileński 1922, kultura dyskursu politycznego, doktryny międzywojniaAbstrakt
The question of ‘belonging’ in the Vilnius Region became a significant problem in Polish – Lithuanian relations following World War I. The Polish population of this region spontanously expressed its will to join the reborn Polish state. It was treated by them as a natural historical consequence and as an example of the tradition and the work and goals of previous generations. In the elections of January 8th 1922, this will was formally expressed. It was confirmed by the proceedings of the elected Sejm, which was dominated by the Polish National Democracy fraction (aka the Polish Central Elections’ Committee). Minutes of the sessions of the Sejm show that different concepts for the future of the Vilnius Region were presented. Discussions were of a highly emotional character with MPs using arguments in personam. Similarly, accusations were vented about past events. However, the debate was meritous and demonstrated sound political argument. The debate in the Sejm of the Vilnius Region ended on Feb. 20th 1922, when the act on joining the Polish state was passed, along with some additional declarations regarding its execution.
Dąbrowski P., Rozpolitykowane miasto, Sopot 2012.
Dąbrowski P., Siła w kulturze, jedność w narodzie – działalność społeczno-polityczna Michała Witolda i Emilii Węsławskich w końcu XIX wieku i pierwszej połowie XX stulecia (do 1939 r.), Sopot 2011.
Generalny Komisarjat Wyborczy, Wybory do Sejmu w Wilnie 8 stycznia 1922 r., Wilno 1922.
Łossowski P., Stosunki polsko-litewskie 1921-1939, Warszawa 1997.
Sejm Wileński 1922, przebieg posiedzeń według sprawozdań stenografi cznych w opracowaniu Kancelarii Sejmowej, Wilno 1922.