Kilka uwag w obronie utopizmu, na marginesie pracy Łukasza Stefaniaka, Utopizm: źródła myślowe i konsekwencje cywilizacyjne, Lublin 2011, 212 stron


  • Karol Kuźmicz

Słowa kluczowe:

civilization, philosophy, politics, totalitarianism.


Łukasz Stefaniak in his book – Utopizm: źródła myślowe i konsekwencje cywilizacyjne, made a philosophical reflection on Utopia. His evaluation the role of utopism in the history of mankind is negative. According to him, utopism is contrary to human nature, it has an idealistic roots and leads to the totalitarian consequences. Criticizing of the Author’s arguments we can say that Utopia is not contrary to human nature. We can also not agree with his claim that the utopism calls only negative consequences.




Jak cytować

Kilka uwag w obronie utopizmu, na marginesie pracy Łukasza Stefaniaka, Utopizm: źródła myślowe i konsekwencje cywilizacyjne, Lublin 2011, 212 stron. (2013). Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica, 12, 437-450.

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