Rosja Borysa Jelcyna – polityczna spuścizna komunizmu


  • Adam Bartnicki Uniwersytet w Białymstoku

Ключевые слова:

Rosja, Jelcyn, komunizm, demokratyzacja, postkomunizm


Boris Yeltsin was not able to (or could not) complete the democratic revolution, so he based state-building on the alliance of the old order and the new order. As a consequence, Russia after 1991 was built on the foundation of the USSR, while further problems of the country were solved not by the intensification of democratic reforms, but rather by an increasingly stronger adaptation to new realities of solutions, people, systems, mechanisms and concepts from the communist era. The retreat from democratic ideas of society, and thus the weakening of the political power of democratic leaders, made Yeltsin more and more inclined towards the leadership model he knew from the time of his membership in the Communist party. His elite and interest management system, was in fact a copy of the Gorbachev system. It seemed to be a natural and obvious style of control and better from the state’s point of view.

Библиографические ссылки

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Как цитировать

Rosja Borysa Jelcyna – polityczna spuścizna komunizmu. (2018). Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica, 16(1), 93-110.

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