Brigadier General Aleksander Tarnowski Critically about the Draft Decree on the Responsibility for the September Defeat and Fascism of State Life of January 22, 1946
Aleksander Tarnowski, criminal law, Polish People's RepublicAbstract
The article aims to analyze an archival document constituting the opinion of General Aleksander Tarnowski regarding the draft decree on the responsibility for the September Defeat and Fascism of State Life, which was announced on January 22, 1946. The work will summarize proposals for changes to the so-called project – the decree on fascism. They will be presented in the form of tables to better highlight the difference between the solution proposed by the general and the one finally included in the current decree. On their basis, an attempt will be made to reconstruct the content of the project that has been reviewed, because the content of the reviewed project is not known. The aim of the work is also to draw attention to the possibility of preparing the opinion in question by a person other than Aleksander Tarnowski, who signed it. For this purpose, arguments regarding constructions from Makarewicz’s Penal Code will be emphasized.
The article is also intended to assess the value of the proposed changes in the context of the final text of the decree announced in January 1946. It is worth considering whether they were intended to improve its regulations or perhaps to further emphasize its political character. The work primarily uses a source in the form of an archival document found in the archives of the Institute of National Remembrance in Warsaw. Moreover, it is derived on the basis of the doctoral dissertation by Dawid Zdrójkowski entitled “Decree on responsibility for the September Defeat and Fascism of State Life of January 22, 1946, in the Light of the Trials of Former Voivodes and Ministers of the Second Polish Republic”. In addition, the literature on the subject was cited.
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