Contemporary depiction of the concept of the social contract


  • Piotr Kimla Jagiellonian University (Uniwersytet Jagielloński)


social contract, political power, revolution, liberalism, Jean Jacques Rousseau, political power regalia, political power inefficiency


The aim of the article is to remind that the concept of the social contract is not an outdated tool for analysing political reality. On the contrary, this liberal concept still retains its importance and usefulness. Democratic and liberal order seems to be in danger every time when one of the two parties – the authorities or demos – fails in its duty. Strictly speaking, where people will not listen and the political power demonstrates incompetence. Naturally, the parties to the social contract are not and cannot be equal. The authorities take on their shoulders a much heavier burden of responsibility. Therefore one can venture the opinion that riots, revolts and revolution erupt as a result of the unskillfulness of political power, where the authorities – instead of being a stabilising force supporting political reality and the rule of law – allow subversives to question the state and its legal order.


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How to Cite

Contemporary depiction of the concept of the social contract. (2017). Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica, 15(2), 159-167.

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