The history of legal representation of the Treasury since Poland regained its independence in 1918


  • Kamil Niewiński University of Bialystok (Uniwersytet w Białymstoku)


General Counsel, legal representation of the Treasury, legal advisers


After regaining independence in 1918, the General Counsel of the Republic of Poland was established. This institution gathered together a group of excellent professionals and became famous for its effectiveness in defending the interests of the Treasury. After World War II it was resurrected. The General Counsel became an exceptional institution in the new political system, imposed according to patterns of the Soviet Union. The nationalization of industry, the expansion of state ownership and economic administration to colossal proportions meant that the General Counsel could no longer fulfill its role. In 1951 it was liquidated and the Office for Legal Assistance established. Three years later, Soviet models were reproduced by introducing a decentralized model of legal services for the Treasury. This led to the separation of the profession of legal advisers. Decentralized system lasted over half a century. In 2006, the General Counsel of the Treasury was reactivated.

Author Biography

  • Kamil Niewiński, University of Bialystok (Uniwersytet w Białymstoku)


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How to Cite

The history of legal representation of the Treasury since Poland regained its independence in 1918. (2019). Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica, 17(1), 109-119.

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