Reconstruction of the common judiciary in the light of the minutes of the conference held on September 14, 1944 in Białystok, with the participation of the delegation of the Ministry of Justice of the Polish Committee of National Liberation


  • Kamil Niewiński City Hall in Białystok (Urząd Miejski w Białymstoku)


Białystok, conference, common courts, Ministry of Justice, judicial independence


The publication aims to present the protocol of the conference held on September 16, 1944 in Białystok on the organization of the common judiciary. Conference participants were surviving lawyers from Białystok and a delegation of the Ministry of Justice of the Polish Committee of National Liberation. It initiated the reconstruction of the District Court in Białystok. This document shows the problems encountered in the reconstruction of the Bialystok judiciary. However, they were universal. The problems mainly concerned finding suitable seats for courts, equipping premises and providing basic work tools for judges, as well as filling vacancies in judicial positions. In addition, it presents the practice of the Ministry of Justice’s activities going beyond the legal framework, in particular in the area of staffing judges. It also shows the propaganda significance of organizing this type of conference. Attempts were made to hide the real intentions of the authorities by making false assurances that future reforms were aimed at democratizing and increasing the independence of the judiciary.

Author Biography

  • Kamil Niewiński, City Hall in Białystok (Urząd Miejski w Białymstoku)


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How to Cite

Reconstruction of the common judiciary in the light of the minutes of the conference held on September 14, 1944 in Białystok, with the participation of the delegation of the Ministry of Justice of the Polish Committee of National Liberation. (2020). Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica, 18(2), 228-240.

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