Dokumenty archiwalne dotyczące oceny sytuacji społeczno-politycznej w środowiskach prawniczych, stanowiące materiał informacyjny na posiedzenie Biura Politycznego KC PZPR z dnia 28 lutego 1984 roku
Słowa kluczowe:
lawyers’ circles, Political Bureau, advocates, SolidarityAbstrakt
The presented document was included among informational materials for a session of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Polish United Workers’ Party (KC PZPR) on February 28, 1984. It was a report drafted by the Administrative Department of the Central Committee of PZPR, discussing both the social and political situation in lawyers’ circles. This topic was high on the agenda of political debates among communist party decision-makers, due to the strong influence the ‘Solidarność’ movement had on lawyer’s circles. Since the introduction of martial law on December 13, 1981, the communist party was trying to withdraw licences to practice a profession for all judges, prosecutors, attorneys and legal counsels who supported ‘Solidarność’. For this reason, the Administrative Department of the Central Committee of PZPR kept a close watch on the lawyers’ circles.