System rekrutacji wykwalifikowanych kadr urzędniczych w konstytucyjnym Królestwie Polskim


  • Michał Gałędek

Słowa kluczowe:

rekrutacja kadr urzędniczych, administracja, biurokracja, egzaminy, komisja, Królestwo Polskie


The aim of the article is to explain the legal terms of the recruitment for administra- tive offices introduced in the Kingdom of Poland. The implementation of this system was a basic condition to organize a fully professional administrative staff professionally prepared to perform its duties. Based on formal and dogmatic method the publication analyses the regulations of the namestnik’s (governor’s) Decree of November 12, 1816, concerning examination boards in the Kingdom of Poland. The author generally omit- ted issues associated with its implementation. Thus the article presented the ideas of Polish governmental elites at the beginning of the 19th century. Any observations were confronted with the contents of the earlier Decree of April 29, 1808, which established examination boards in the Duchy of Warsaw. The author tries to prove that this system of recruitment was the prototype and the main point of reference for the system of the Kingdom of Poland.




Jak cytować

System rekrutacji wykwalifikowanych kadr urzędniczych w konstytucyjnym Królestwie Polskim. (2014). Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica, 13(1), 117-141.

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