The need to redefine the concepts of marriage and family in today’s pluralistic world. Considerations in the context of domestic partnership


  • Anetta Breczko University of Bialystok (Uniwersytet w Białymstoku)


motherhood, marriage, monogamy, polygamy, fatherhood, family, domestic partnership


The present paper shows the need to redefine notions such as “marriage” or “family”. The traditional model – based on European cultural heritage, mainly under the influence of Christianity – is facing a crisis. This is due especially to deep transformations of civilization. The definition of marriage as the union of a man and a woman, which serves the purpose for natural procreation, is also questioned by biotechnological development. Attitude towards sexuality becomes more and more permissive. Family and sexuality belong to the private sphere, distancing itself from state and social control. In a pluralistic and multicultural world, there is a tendency to expand and develop the legal framework for informal and homosexual relationships. The institution of marriage is gradually losing its heterosexual character and begins to include same-sex partners. Moreover, public debate on polygamous and multilateral relations has already initiated in several democratic countries.


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How to Cite

The need to redefine the concepts of marriage and family in today’s pluralistic world. Considerations in the context of domestic partnership. (2014). Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica, 13(2), 335-352.

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