Wpływy orientalne na myśl polityczną starożytnej Grecji


  • Anna Ceglarska Uniwersytet Jagielloński

Słowa kluczowe:

Grecja, Herodot, Persja, wolność polityczna, despotyzm


The aim of the paper is to present the influence of western culture on the political thought of ancient Greece. The first example presented is the world of Homer and the emerging differences between Greeks and Trojans. The work then turns to Herodotus, who clearly indicated the differences between the Greeks and the Persian-barbarians. The Greco-Persian conflict, described by Herodotus more universally as a conflict between East and West, is primarily a conflict of two different regimes. It clarifies the different values that guided the two sides, causing significant differences in the political sphere. The emphasis, in the wake of Herodotus, is on conflict between the free poleis and eastern despotic monarchy. The paper shows how relations with eastern culture influenced the formation of internal political awareness and political thought in ancient Greece.


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Jak cytować

Wpływy orientalne na myśl polityczną starożytnej Grecji. (2017). Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica, 15(2), 233-247. https://miscellanea.uwb.edu.pl/article/view/102

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