O potrzebie redefinicji pojęć „małżeństwo” i „rodzina” we współczesnym pluralistycznym świecie. Rozważania w kontekście związków partnerskich


  • Anetta Breczko

Ключевые слова:

macierzyństwo, małżeństwo, monogamia, poligamia, ojcostwo, ro- dzina, związki partnerskie


The present paper shows the need to redefine notions such as “marriage” or “family”. The traditional model – based on European cultural heritage, mainly under the influ- ence of Christianity – is facing a crisis. This is due especially to deep transformations of civilization. The definition of marriage as the union of a man and a woman, which serves the purpose for natural procreation, is also questioned by biotechnological deve- lopment. Attitude towards sexuality becomes more and more permissive. Family and sexuality belong to the private sphere, distancing itself from state and social control. In a pluralistic and multicultural world, there is a tendency to expand and develop the legal framework for informal and homosexual relationships. The institution of marriage is gradually losing its heterosexual character and begins to include same-sex partners. Moreover, public debate on polygamous and multilateral relations has already initiated in several democratic countries.




Как цитировать

O potrzebie redefinicji pojęć „małżeństwo” i „rodzina” we współczesnym pluralistycznym świecie. Rozważania w kontekście związków partnerskich. (2014). Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica, 13(2), 335-352. https://miscellanea.uwb.edu.pl/article/view/212

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