Professor Stanisław Płaza – Researcher of Noble Parliamentary Assemblies. About the Master


  • Adam Lityński Humanitas University in Sosnowiec (Wyższa Szkoła Humanitas w Sosnowcu)


Professor Stanisław Płaza, Jagiellonian University, local noble parliamentary assemblies


Stanisław Płaza (1927–2006) is a leading figure among scholars writing about local noble parliamentary assemblies. Stanisław Płaza created a synthesis of our knowledge about Crown local noble parliamentary assemblies. The author introduces the reader to the figure of the scholar, his life. Before Płaza finished school he found himself (in 1940) with his whole family in a Soviet Gulag, like many Poles, as a result of the Soviet occupation of over half of Poland after the Hitler-Stalin pact of 1939. After the war he returned to Poland, completed his studies and became a researcher at the Jagiellonian University. He obtained the title of professor. Stanisław Płaza placed the local noble parliamentary assembly in an original way in the whole complicated system of state and self-government bodies. Stanisław Płaza put in order our ideas and our knowledge about the system of the former Republic of Poland, and especially about the parliamentary system, fundamental in the system of noble democracy. The author himself wrote a lot about the local noble parliamentary assemblies of the former Republic of Poland, and was a friend and collaborator of Professor Stanisław Płaza. In spite of the high recognition of Professor Stanisław Płaza’s mastery, the author often argued with him academically. Currently, the author recalls the scientific achievements of Professor Stanisław Płaza and old polemics, which were closely observed in scholarly circles.


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How to Cite

Professor Stanisław Płaza – Researcher of Noble Parliamentary Assemblies. About the Master. (2023). Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica, 21(1), 305-317.

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